The Moral Victory of the “Like”

I just wanted to take a moment to thank all the people who recently read the flash fiction I posted to the blog and hit the “Like” button.

You have no idea, dear reader, how many small press magazines rejected these stories in cold blood.

For example, Blues Man had been rejected more than a half a dozen times alone since July of 2010. After a year of these rejections, numerous re-writes and crystal ball gazing to understand why the story was problematic for some, I gave up and let the story “rest” in my folder of non-placed flash fiction.

I finally took this story’s fate into my hands and decided that even if these small presses didn’t want to publish it that maybe, just MAYBE, someone might wander over to my blog and read it.

But the result of my decision was SO much more gratifying than that! Not only did you read my stories, dear friends, you “LIKED” them! You LIKED them longtime!

Maybe this is one of those publisher vs. self-publishing moments, I’m not sure. 

It also occurs to me that when my stories are published elsewhere and someone enjoys it, I’m probably not going to find out about it. That’s not to say I’m giving up my wicked addiction to getting my stories published by others, no way. But it does mean that I may decide, from time to time, to share nuggets with you that I think you’ll enjoy coming straight from me, and not through a literary middle-man.

So…THANKS!  Now if I could just get you to add your Comments too, I’d be a swooning blogger!