Gotham’s Very Short Story Contest 2014

Gotham Writer’s Workshop is an institution in New York City offering writing seminars on different topics like short story writing, novel writing, etc.

This year, once again, they are holding A Very Short Story Contest, with no entry fee. The deadline to enter is May 5, 2014. The winner will be notified on June 3rd.

The guidelines are simple: write a 10 word story, and those 10 words includes the title if you have one.

Here is the link if you are interested:


Enjoy and good luck!

Gotham’s “A Very Short Story” Contest – Free Entry

Gotham Writer’s Workshop is an institution in New York City offering writing seminars on different topics like short story writing, novel writing, etc.

This year they are holding A Very Short Story Contest, with no entry fee. The deadline to enter is April 23rd.

The winner of the contest will get a free 10 week Gotham class, which is pretty sweet. (They offer in person classes and online, so don’t worry if you don’t live in the NYC metro area.)

The guidelines are simple: write a 10 word story, and those 10 words includes the title if you have one.

Here is the link if you are interested:


Enjoy and good luck!


The Kenyon Review Short Fiction Contest

Normally I do not pay attention to short story contests. However, The Kenyon Review has just opened their electronic submissions link today, Feb 1st for anyone who wishes to enter their short fiction contest and they do not charge a reading or entry fee.

What I love about this contest is that it skews towards flash fiction writing, with an upper limit of 1200 words.

All you talented flash fiction writers who read my blog regularly… please consider clicking on the link below and submitting your best work to The Kenyon Review. You will have until Feb 28th to submit.






Information about the contest:

The contest is open to all writers who have not yet published a book of fiction. Submissions must be 1200 words or fewer. There is no entry fee.

Katharine Weber, the Richard L. Thomas Chair in Creative Writing at Kenyon College and author of five critically-acclaimed novels, including Triangle and True Confections, will be the final judge.

The Kenyon Review will publish the winning short story in the Winter 2014 issue, and the author will be awarded a scholarship to attend the 2013 Writers Workshop, June 15th-22nd, in Gambier, Ohio.

Homonym Contest Entry

Hey all,

Janet Reid (aka Query Shark) sponsored a contest yesterday called Sounds Like Panic to Me, in honor of Hurricane Irene. I decided to give it a go, and my entry is below.  If you want to know what specific homonyms had to be used in the contest, take a look at the link… and the other entries are listed there too.


Row! Damn the oars that heave and sigh. The wail of the sea tells me that the weather’s going to change boys.

Row! To the right, to the right! This ain’t no sashay boys, this is a sprint.

Row! The waves are no dam against this rain, whether we stay or go. No whale surfaces here, although they are friend, not foe.

Row! This is a rite of passage, from boys to men you’ll be if we reach the shore. Slough off your fatigue and think of your favorite gal, we don’t want to have to bail these boats.

Row! The reign of the Lady of the Sea is fierce boys, she’s slew many before us with wale upon wale on their flesh, her sachet of salt scent tells me so.

Row! I’ll write the truest tale when we make it boys and raise a glass to you, so row!