New Blog Topic for 2024: Gardening!

There’s been a big blank spot for this blog since June 2017, and it’s time for some new 2024 activity centered around an important passion of mine: GARDENING!

Since my blog has been inactive for so long, I realize it might take a little while for the news of my ‘new green thumb’ to get out into the blog-o-sphere, but please drop by and say hello and a word of encouragement about gardening if you like!

About six months ago, I found Gardener’s World for the first time. It’s a wonderful British television show completely dedicated to gardening. After binge watching the very convivial host, Monty Don and his expert crew for several back years of re-runs showing off amazing British gardens in many different styles (formal and informal), I found myself getting more and more inspired to do more gardening on my own property.

Fortunately, a plant buyer at a nearby garden nursery also tuned me in to Doug Tallamy and his work in the United States to encourage US based gardeners to plant native plants in order to help restore wildlife habitats that have been destroyed due to over development in many areas. Doug’s current – and most excellent – project is called Homegrown National Park. As it says on the website, it is a “IS A GRASSROOTS CALL-TO-ACTION TO REGENERATE BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION BY PLANTING NATIVE PLANTS AND CREATING NEW ECOLOGICAL NETWORKS.”

So, I’m gearing up for some big next steps in my own journey as a relatively new gardener in this coming year with plenty of inspiration from Monty Don, Doug Tallamy, Piet Oudolf, Margaret Roach and others.

If you have a favorite gardening tv show, book, website or other resource: Please Feel Free to Share It Here!