Random Insomnia Post brought to you by Diet Cola Beverage

Tonight’s Random Insomnia Post is brought to you by Diet Cola Beverage.

I went out with a friend around dinner time, and I ordered Diet Cola. Of course, Diet Cola has lots and LOTS of caffeine. Drinking two glasses of said beverage is a sure fire way for me to guarantee myself a sleepless night… hence a 3:15 a.m. posting.

It matters not that I have someplace to be tomorrow, and it’s so late at night it’s actually early the next morning, so even if I fall asleep now there is little chance of getting much more than 5 hours of sleep.

Let me just say that on five hours sleep, I’m a very grumpy person. In order to be awake, I will no doubt have to consume more Diet Cola Beverage tomorrow morning and afternoon just so I don’t pass out whilst conducting my activities.

Wouldn’t it be nice if this was a humor blog post? Oh, hahaha, you can’t sleep because you drank Diet Cola Beverage, that’s a laugh riot.

Hmmm, I just checked. Nope. It ain’t funny.

But as long as you came along for the ride this far, and thanks for your kind patience dear reader, why on earth did I consume Diet Cola Beverage when I could have had something else?

Ahhhhh, but you see, there’s the rub. There is NOTHING else available for me.

What’s that you say? You say it’s impossible to be out at a fine dining establishment and have nothing on the drink menu for you?

Let’s go through the choices, shall we?

– Red Wine = no, it’s alcohol

– White Wine = see Red Wine

– Beer = see Red Wine

– Mixed Drinks = getting the picture?

Okay, let’s put alcohol aside and move on to other things then.

– Coffee = I don’t drink coffee. Yes, YES – I’m a freak of nature. I know…so sue me.

– Tea = I very rarely drink hot tea, and frankly it would be a bizarre choice for a beverage with dinner

– Water = now, this one is tricky. I can drink water, but since water is free, it’s like I didn’t order anything. And if I say, “I’ll just have water,” my companion will inevitably say, “But don’t you want something…?” or “No, you can’t just have water, order something…” and then I’ll say….

– Diet Cola Beverage please. You know, the one with quantities of caffeine sufficient to keep me awake all night so I can post something ridiculous to my blog for people to laugh at? Yeah, I’ll take that.

No, on second thought, bring me TWO glasses of that. One just wasn’t enough.