My First Six Months – Top Humor Posts

I can hardly believe it’s been six months since I started my blog in late March, earlier this year. I’ve gotten nearly 1500 hits to my blog since I started, and although I never had a goal in mind for traffic, I’m pleased to know that someone is reading.

It’s been a rewarding journey and I’m taking a moment to glance back at the months of accumulated posts and see which humor posts I enjoy re-reading. Here are my selections from the archives!


When I look back at the 50+ posts I’ve made in the past six months, I enjoy re-reading my humor posts a lot. One post in particular, Reasons Why Your Short Story Was Rejected, is a favorite of mine given my trials and tribulations trying to get my short stories published.

After I took a trip to Seattle in June, I came across the Fran Lebowitz Reader. I was inspired to write Reasons Why Fran Lebowitz Has Writer’s Block.

And given my undying love of New York City, I had to take a swipe at the folks that call Gotham home. During Hurricane Irene I wrote What Upper West Siders Did During the Hurricane , but I also wrote a fantasy fairytale piece about Snowy White and the Seven Smashers in A Rapper Fairytale – NYC Style.

Lest anyone think that only NYC gets my attentions, I also took a few jabs at my home state of New Jersey, with New Jersey’s Cultural Zenith – The Diner.

I hope you get to read (or re-read) some of these and have a chuckle, or two, on me!